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Why We Give

All for the Mission of God

Your giving makes an eternal impact for God's kingdom in our city, country, and all around the world!  Giving is not something we have to do, it's an act of worship that we get to do.  It is our honor and joy to steward all that God has entrusted to us, so we have tried to make it easy for you to give financially to support His mission.  

How to Give


By going to

Text Message

By texting giving amount to (205) 528-8223

In Person

By placing envelopes in the offering box during Sunday morning worship.

By Mail

13303 Mt Olive Rd,
Coker, AL 35452

What We Give To

As a part of the Southern Baptist Convention we have a strong desire to give to the greater work of the kingdom.  When you give financially to Mount Olive, you are not only supporting the ministry of our local are also supporting missions all across North America and the rest of the world.  

Aint God Good Ministries

Danny and Denise Tesseneer serve in India to see churches planted and see the Gospel move forward.

Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes

Exists to protect, nurture, and restore foster children through Christ-Centered services.

Eagles Wings

Provides day habilitation and residential services for adults with developmental dissabilities.

Hispaniola Baptist Associaton

Hispaniola exists in the Dominican Republic to plant churches, strengthen local churches, train pastors and church leaders, and fulfill the Great Commission.

International Mission Board

The International Mission Board supports missionaries overseas as they take the gospel to every language, every tribe, and every nation.

Living Faith Church

Planting churches in the inner city of Indianapolis to see the most marginalized people in our society come to know Jesus.

North American Mission Board

The North American Mission Board supports and sends thousands of missionaries and chaplains as they share the gospel and bring compassion to hurting people in North America.


Helping moms choose life for their babies and themselves in Tuscaloosa.

SHYNE Honduras

Leading people to become passionate followers of Jesus Christ in Honduras.