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One of the most important things you can do is get involved!  As you join in to a ministry at Mount Olive, your relationship with God and with others will grow.  Look through this page of our site to see the ministries where you can get involved and serve in the church, our community, and across the world. 

Children's Ministry

"Let the Children Come to ME!"

Mount Olive Children's Ministry is for children from birth to 4th grade.  We provide a dynamic and fun environment where kids can encounter God, be discipled and trained to live on mission. Our incredible team of background checked leaders are ready to encourage your children as they learn and grow in God.

Ministry Leader: Donna Battle

Student Ministry

Teenagers Can Change the World

At Mount Olive Student Ministry, we gather as a community where students can have fun, build deep friendships, encounter God and be discipled to live out the mission God has for them.  Students in 6th-12th grade are challenged to serve and grow together. 

Ministry Leader: Scott Wilson

Men's Ministry

Men Who Fiercely Love God

Real men pray. Real men lead their families well.  Real men aren't afraid to show weakness. Real men worship with all their hearts. Real men fiercely love God and lead others to do the same. In our men's ministry, you will find a group of imperfect men stiving to be who God created them to be and challenging each other along the way.

Women's Ministry

Women Banding Together to Pursue Jesus

At the Mount Olive Women's Ministry you will find a group of women who long more than anything to serve and love Jesus with all their hearts.  We gather to encouage one another towards fulfilling our purpose in Christ, serve our community, and pray.  

Ministry Leader: Wendy Boykin

Community Outreach

Serving Our Community

We believe whole-heartedly in being a church that physically does what we see in Scripture.  From picking up trash on the side of the road, to working on our neighbor's house, all the way to reenacting the Easter story, Mount Olive is always seeking for ways to love our community with the gospel of Jesus Christ.


God's Heart Beats for the World

One of our favorite things to do is serve all around the world telling people about Jesus and encouraging other ministries. By getting involved in the missions ministry at Mount Olive, you will have the opportunity to join on trips across the US, around the world and right here in our own backyard.

Ministry Leader: Jerry Jarrell

Get Involved


Send us a quick message and let us help you find the best place where you can serve and grow here at Mount Olive.