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Sunday Worship

Sunday mornings are a wonderful time to gather together in worship and fellowship as a church family.  Our worship services typically last about 60 minutes and are an energetic mixture of passionate worship, solid biblical teaching and deep connections with one another.  

When you arrive, you'll find our greeters at the door ready to help you find your way around and the right place for your children if they would like to attend our kid's program.  We look forward to seeing you this Sunday!

Sunday Bible Study

Sunday mornings we gather at 9:30am for Bible Study together.  Classes for all ages and groups are available.  There is no registration required or expectations ahead of time.  All you need to do is show up and we'll help you find a class that suits you and your family where you can get involved.

  • Sundays at 9:30am

  • Education Hall

  • 12 Group Options
    for every age

Wednesday Evenings

Join us on Wednesday evenings for a mid-week time of fellowship and Bible Study.  We hold an adult Bible Study in the Education Hall and Mission Kids program for children of all ages at the same time.  

  • Wednesdays at 6:30pm

  • Adults: Sanctuary
    Kids: Education Hall

  • Mission Kids for all ages

  • Live stream avilable on Facebook Live